Error codes 

The tables provide a description of all error codes raised by the service.

NFC ICAO Document errors 

Error Code
1615Portrait decoding has failed
1616NFC session canceled by the user
Error Code
3001Consent is not provided

IdClaim errors 

Error Code
2501Country not supported

Document errors 

Error Code
1500Document has incorrect format: Unknown document, unsupported file format, corrupted file, unauthorized document
1501Document is expired
1502Document not supported by tenant configuration
1504Invalid document (such as invalid MRZ, security features, or signature)
1505Image exceeded the maximum size
1506Image quality is too low for authentication
1507Owner's age is not authorized
1508Number of document sides provided does not correspond to expectations
1510Document is not issued by the expected country or unknown issuer
1511Validation service account credential error
1512Validation service account quota exceeded
1513Validation service internal error
1514Validation service invalid request
1515Validation service invalid response
1516Validation service unsupported feature
1517Bypass of mobile capture phase is no more allowed
1518Identity linked to this document is rejected
1530Unable to process document: unreadable information
1531Unable to process document: image being too dark
1532Unable to process document: glare on image
1533Unable to process document: blurred image
1534Unable to process document: damaged document
1535Unable to process document: missing part of the document
1536Multiple documents are present in image
1537The document jurisdiction is not allowed
1538Unable to process document: text in the background
1539Unable to process document front image: device capture angle (keystone effect)
1540Unable to process document: capture device is too close
1541Unable to process document: capture device is too far
1542Unable to read the pdf417 barcode
1543Unable to process document: obscured data
1560Document front image resolution is too low
1561Document back image resolution is too low
1563Document front image contains glare
1564Document back image contains glare
1565Document front image is blurred
1566Document back image is blurred
1567Barcode is missing on document
1568Unable to process document back image: device capture angle (keystone effect)
1569Document front image quality is too low
1570Document back image quality is too low
1571Unable to process document: Document is rejected by velocity policy
1572Unable to process document: Velocity check service unavailable
1573Timeout occurred while performing the velocity check

Identity and address errors 

Error Code
1131Identity attributes do not match with evidences
1132Provided identity attributes are not valid
1133Provided address is not valid
1138Postcode is not valid
1139Invalid card number (fewer than 7 digits)

Additional files error 

Error Code
1013Exceeding number of objects limit

Phone verification error 

Error Code
1100Phone verification service is not available
1101The specified resource is no longer available
1105OTP SMS service invalid request
1117Max attempts reached
1118The OTP code is no longer valid
1119Phone number is invalid
1151Contact details does not match with evidences

Generic errors 

Error Code
1000Generic technical error
1001A mandatory field is missing
1006A field has an invalid format
1010Field size is out of the expected range
1011Invalid date
1012A date is out of the expected range
1020Document authentication service is not available
1021Biometrics verification service is not available
1022Proof signature failed
1025The video is not available
1027Identity and address details verification service is not available
1028The video exceeded the maximum size
1032Biometrics verification service is not available because of too Many requests.
1033Invalid credentials when calling service
1034The proof is not found
1040JSON parsing error while processing the request
1045Unrecognized part in a multipart request
1050Document authentication service has failed
1051NFC document reading session has failed
1052Claim verification service has failed
1053Verified attribute(s) submission by end user is not authorized
1060Failed to validate evidence
1080No available configuration for this operation

Biometric errors 

Error Code
1600The user's face does not match the reference portrait
1601Portrait quality is too low for biometric verification
1609Timeout occurred during live portrait capture
1610A technical error occurred while capturing live portrait
1611Failed to capture live portrait
1613Biometric verification service invalid request
1614Biometric verification service credential error
1617Unknown Biometric liveness capture session
1620The liveness assertion signature is incorrect
1621The liveness assertion certificate verification fails
1622The liveness assertion certifcate is expired
1623The liveness assertion certificate chain verification fails
1624Other error when verifying the liveness assertion signature
1625Hash verification fails: Hashes don't match
1626The correlationId does not match
1627Liveness challenge canceled by the user

OIDC errors 

Error Code
2301Authentication failed
2302Authorization server is not available
2303Access denied

Webdoc errors 

Error Code
2400Document capture service invalid request
2401Timeout occurred when capturing the document
2402Document capture session ended by user
2403Document capture service internal error
2404Unavailable document capture service
2410Document live capture failed

Identity and Address Errors 

Error Code
1134Multiple identities associated with the provided identity number. The provided attributes are not precise enough to identify a unique person.
1135The provided identity number is not valid
1136The input attributes (date-of-birth, given name or surname) may have been miskeyed
1137The provided address is not the most recent one

System of Record verification errors 

Error Code
1026Issuer service is unavailable
1031Issuer failed to perform the face matching
1221Submitted phone number doesn't match issuer data
2000Unexpected error while calling issuer
2001Issuer failed to verify the document
2002Issuer verification service error while processing
2003No available issuer verification
2005Configuration error while calling issuer
2006Not authorized to contact issuer
2007Issuer doesn't support verification of this document
2008Invalid request towards issuer verification service
2009Submitted data doesn't match issuer data
2010Submitted data already verified

Adjudication errors 

Error Code
1023Adjudication technical error
1602Rejected facial or document adjudication: unusable image
1603Timeout occurred while processing adjudication
1604Rejected adjudication: fraud suspected
1605The adjudication service is not available (outside opening hours) but the request is scheduled for another submission
1606The adjudication service is not available (outside opening hours)
1607The adjudication request is not authorized
1608The facial adjudication is not authorized, cannot find the evidence of reference
1619Unexpected adjudication result

Anti-fraud errors 

Error Code
2101Failed to perform fraud check: configuration issues
2102Failed to perform fraud check: technical issues