Evidence Verification Result (Status & Score) 

Evidence verification process results include a Status and Score:

  • The Status: provides the overall result of the verification process.
  • The Score: reflects how much the service is confident in the success of the verification based on the different verification methods that could have been performed.


There are five possible values for Status. Two of them are transient (evidence processing is in progress and the status will change when its done) and three are definitive.

Status: Definitive values

The three possible definitive values for the Status are:

VERIFIED - the evidence has successfully been verified. The score will tell how much this verification can be considered as reliable.

NOT_VERIFIED - the evidence was processed, but not enough checks were performed to take a decision. Most of the time this is due to the poor quality of the input data or unsupported evidence.

INVALID - the evidence is considered invalid by the service.

Status: Transient values

Below are transient values for the evidence status while it is being processed:

PROCESSING - the evidence is currently being processed by the service.

ADJUDICATION - the evidence is currently being reviewed by a human expert. A longer response time is expected.


When VERIFIED, the score of an evidence can range from LEVEL1 to LEVEL4, This score depends on two factors :

  • The strength of the evidence, that measures how much this evidence is intrinsically reliable in terms of issuing process and resilience to fraud attempts
  • The different verification methods that are performed on the evidence, and their reliability.

LEVEL1 - low confidence

LEVEL2 - medium confidence

LEVEL3 - high confidence

LEVEL4 - very high confidence

In case an evidence is INVALID or NOT_VERIFIED, you will also see the score with this value appear: LEVEL0.

Note: As user's face evidence is compared to a reference portrait that may be extracted from an Identity Document or other authoritative source, the score of a face verification can only be as high as the score of the evidence it is compared to.

This is why you may encounter face verification results with a status VERIFIED and a score of LEVEL0.

This must be interpreted as:

"The face of the user matched the portrait on the evidence, even though the document was not VERIFIED and therefore cannot be trusted."