Indicators help the relying service understand what checks have been performed on an identity evidence and why an identity evidence has been assigned a status and a score, such as when a fraud is detected or a document has expired.
Each indicator is associated with a status.
Indicator | Status |
UNVERIFIED | The control has not been performed |
OK | The control is successful |
WARNING | The control is performed and there may be a problem with this evidence |
FAILED | The evidence failed to pass the control |
Indicators are processed by the service to score the evidence and detect frauds.
Indicators that cause the evidence to fail (blocking indicators) appear in the REST API responses provided to the relying service back end. All indicators are available in the proof file at the end of the proofing session.
Document indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
ABNORMAL_DOCUMENT_FEATURES_CHECK | Contains some abnormal features, such as overlapping text, washed out background |
AUTHORIZED_DOCUMENT_TYPE | Is an authorized type |
BLUR_IMAGE_QUALITY | Image is not blurred |
BLUR_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACK | Image of the back is sharp |
BLUR_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONT | Image of the front is sharp |
CAPTURE_TAMPERING | Image has not been tampered with |
CAPTURE_TOO_CLOSE_CHECK | Was too close to camera when captured |
CAPTURE_TOO_FAR_CHECK | Was too far from camera when captured |
CB2D_FIELDS_SYNTAX | Has correct 2D barcode syntax |
CB2D_SIGNATURE | Has correct 2D barcode signature |
COMPROMISED_DOCUMENT_CHECK | Is not known as a compromised document |
CORNER_REMOVED_CHECK | Has intentionally cut corners; encountered for some documents that are no longer valid |
COVERED_IMAGE_CHECK | Is not covered by an object, such as a sticker |
CUT_OFF_DOCUMENT_CHECK | Has no parts missing in the image |
DAMAGED_DOCUMENT_CHECK | Is not damaged such that it is not usable |
DARK_IMAGE_QUALITY | Image is not too dark |
DATA_GROUP1_CHECK | Data group 1 (DG1) fields are compliant |
DL_AGE_AT_CERT | User age is consistent with certificate date (for driving licenses) |
DL_ISSUE_AFTER_CERT | Issue date is consistent with certification date (for driving licenses) |
DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_CHECK | Image background contains no troublesome content |
DOCUMENT_BARCODE_PARSING | Barcode is readable |
DOCUMENT_CLASSIFIER | MRZ data format is consistent with the document model |
DOCUMENT_CLASS_COMPARE | Document class does not correspond to issuer’s record |
DOCUMENT_ISSUER_WHITE_LIST | Issuer is authorized |
DOCUMENT_LOST_STOLEN_CHECK | Is not reported as lost or stolen |
DOCUMENT_NUMBER_VALIDITY | Document number is valid |
DOCUMENT_RECENCY | Reference is recognized by the issuer |
DOCUMENT_VELOCITY_CHECK | Check the presence of the ID document in the velocity check database |
DOC_CAPTURE_ORIENTATION | Image is correctly oriented (horizontal vs. vertical) |
DOC_EXPIRATION_DATE | Expiration date is valid |
DOC_ISSUING_COUNTRY | Country classification is from the expected country |
DOC_LASER_PERFORATION_CHECK | Laser perforation feature is present |
DOC_NATIONALITY | Holder's nationality is valid |
DOC_SPECIMEN | Is not a specimen |
DOC_TYPE | Document Type claims by the user corresponds to the document. |
ESF | ESF was successfully detected and authenticated on the document |
ESFX | Enhanced Security Features are consistent with the barcode data |
EXPIRATION_DATE_CONSISTENCY | Expiration date is valid, in the expected format, and occurs after the issue and birth dates |
FONTS_CHECK | Indicates whether the fonts used to print machine readable zone matches the standardized OCRB format |
GENDER_VALIDITY | Gender is valid |
GLARE_IMAGE_QUALITY | Image has no glare |
GLARE_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACK | Back image has no glare |
GLARE_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONT | Front image has no glare |
GOV_DATA_FORMAT | Format complies with the issuer verification data requirements |
HIGH_TEMPLATE | Image matches the template at high resolution |
IDQR | ID-QR code is successfully decoded on the document |
IDQRX | ID-QR code details are consistent with the barcode or mrz data |
IMAGE_BACK_DPI_CHECK | Back image is of adequate resolution |
IMAGE_FRONT_DPI_CHECK | Front image is of adequate resolution |
IMAGE_WITHOUT_DOCUMENT_CHECK | Image contains a document |
ISSUANCE_DATE_VALIDITY | Issuance date returned from the barcode, MRZ, or OCR is valid according to jurisdiction specific rules. |
ISSUING_DATE_VALIDITY | Issue date is valid and in the expected format |
KEYSTONE_IMAGE_QUALITY | Image is not skewed |
KEYSTONE_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACK | Back image is not skewed |
KEYSTONE_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONT | Front image is not skewed |
KNOWN_FRAUDULENT_DOCUMENT_CHECK | Is a known fraudulent document |
LCD_DETECTION | Image is not of an LCD screen |
LINECODE | Linecode was successfully detected and authenticated on the document (applicable to US driving license only) |
LINECODEX | Linecode matches the information on the document. |
LOW_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACK | Back image quality is adequate |
LOW_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONT | Front image quality is adequate |
LOW_TEMPLATE | Image matches the template at low resolution |
MODEL_COLOR_MATCHING | Image is in color (not in black and white) |
MODEL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK | Data represented in multiple places are consistent |
MODEL_EXPIRATION_DATE | Model is not expired |
MODEL_RECOGNIZED | Type, based on MRZ and/or on document template, is identified |
MODEL_VALID_OUT_OF_COUNTRY | Is valid outside of its issuing country |
MRZ_ALIGNEMENT | MRZ graphical format is valid |
MRZ_BARCODE_CROSSCHECK | MRZ information matches the information in the barcode |
MRZ_CHECKSUMS | MRZ checksum is correct |
MRZ_FIELDS_SYNTAX | MRZ fields are compliant |
NO_MULTIPLE_DOCUMENT_CHECK | Image contains only one document |
OBSCURED_DATA_CHECK | Data is not obscured |
OBSCURED_SECURITY_FEATURES_CHECK | Security features are not obscured |
OCRX | Data recognized optically in the VIZ is consistent with barcode or MRZ data |
OCR_BIRTHDATE | Birth date is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_DOCNUM | Document number is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_DOC_NATIONALITY | Nationality is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_EXPIRATION_DATE | Expiration date is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_FIRSTNAMES | Given name is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_FULLNAME | Full name is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_ISSUING_COUNTRY | Issuing country is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_ISSUING_DATE | Issue date is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_LASTNAME | Last name is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_PERSONAL_NUMBER | Personal number is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_SEX | Gender is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OCR_SURNAME | Surname is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ |
OTHER_QUALITY_CHECK | Has no other quality issues |
OTHER_SUSPICIOUS_ELEMENT | Not rejected as suspicious by adjudication |
PERSONAL_NUMBER_CHECKSUMS | Personal number checksum is correct |
PHOTOCOPY_DETECTION | Was not photocopied |
PHOTO_LOCATION | Portrait is present and correctly located |
PORTRAIT | Portrait is not obfuscated |
PUNCTURED_DOCUMENT_CHECK | Is not intentionally punctured; encountered for some documents that are no longer valid |
REQUIRED_SIDES_CHECK | Check if the minimum expected document sides have been provided |
REVOKED_PRIVILEGE_CHECK | Is a driving license and driving privileges are not revoked |
SCREENSHOT_DETECTION | Is not a screenshot. |
SIDES_DATA_CONSISTENCY | Data is consistent between the 2 sides |
SIDES_MODEL_CONSISTENCY | Model is consistent between the 2 sides |
SUSPENDED_PRIVILEGE_CHECK | Is a driving license and driving privileges are not suspended |
TEXTURE_ANALYSIS | Passed texture analysis |
UNKNOWN_CONTROL | Passed an undocumented control |
VISUAL_SECURITY | Has expected visual security features |
Biometric indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
BIOMETRIC_HYPER_MATCHING | Scores too high on biometric matching |
BIOMETRIC_LIVENESS_ASSERTION | Biometric liveness assertion is verified |
BIOMETRIC_LIVENESS_CHALLENGE | Portrait passes biometric liveness challenge |
BIOMETRIC_MATCHING_CHECK | Portrait matches the biometric comparison |
BIOMETRIC_QUALITY_CHECK | Portrait quality is adequate for biometric verification |
Government identity verification indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
ADDRESS_CITY_COMPARE | Address city matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_COMPARE | Address country matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ADDRESS_DISTRICT_COMPARE | Address district matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ADDRESS_HOUSE_NUMBER_COMPARE | Address house number matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ADDRESS_POSTCODE_COMPARE | Postcode matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ADDRESS_STATE_COMPARE | Address state matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ADDRESS_STREET_COMPARE | Address street lines matches the authoritative or issuing source |
AGE_COMPARE | Age matches the authoritative or issuing source |
AUTHORITY_COMPARE | Issuing authority matches the authoritative or issuing source |
BIRTHDATE_COMPARE | Birth date matches the authoritative or issuing source |
BLOOD_GROUP_COMPARE | Blood group matches the authoritative or issuing source |
DOCUMENT_TYPE_COMPARE | Compares document type against authoritative or issuing Source |
DOC_ACTIVE | Is considered active by the authoritative or issuing source |
DONOR_COMPARE | Donor status matches the authoritative or issuing source |
EXPIRYDATE_COMPARE | Expiration date matches the authoritative or issuing source |
EYECOLOR_COMPARE | Eye color matches the authoritative or issuing source |
FIRSTNAME_COMPARE | First name matches the authoritative or issuing source |
FIRSTNAME_FUZZY_COMPARE | First name fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source |
FULLADDRESS_COMPARE | Full address matches the authoritative or issuing source |
FULLNAME_COMPARE | Full name matches the authoritative or issuing source |
GENDER_COMPARE | Gender matches the authoritative or issuing source |
GIVENNAME_COMPARE | Given name matches the authoritative or issuing source |
GIV_AVAILABILITY | Verification service is available from the authoritative or issuing source |
GIV_ELIGIBILITY | Data format complies with the authoritative or issuing source |
GIV_IDENTITY_FOUND | Identity found in the authoritative or issuing source |
GIV_VERIFICATION | Data validates to the authoritative or issuing source |
HAIR_COLOR_COMPARE | Hair color matches the authoritative or issuing source |
HEIGHT_COMPARE | Height matches the authoritative or issuing source |
IDDOCUMENT_NUMBER_COMPARE | Document number matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ISSUINGDATE_COMPARE | Issue date matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ISSUING_COUNTRY_COMPARE | Issuing country matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ISSUING_STATE_COMPARE | Issuing state matches the authoritative or issuing source |
MIDDLENAME_COMPARE | Middle name matches the authoritative or issuing source |
MIDDLENAME_FUZZY_COMPARE | Middle name fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source |
MIDDLENAME_INITIAL_COMPARE | Middle initial matches the authoritative or issuing source |
MSISDN_COMPARE | Phone number matches the authoritative or issuing source |
NAMESUFFIX_COMPARE | Name suffix matches the authoritative or issuing source |
PERSONAL_NUMBER_COMPARE | Personal number matches the authoritative or issuing source |
POLLING_STATION_COMPARE | Polling station matches the authoritative or issuing source |
RELATIVE_FULLNAME_COMPARE | Relative name matches the authoritative or issuing source |
RELATIVE_TYPE_COMPARE | Relative type matches the authoritative or issuing source |
RESTRICTIONS_COMPARE | Privileges (associated to the document, mainly driving privileges) match the authoritative or issuing source |
SURNAME_COMPARE | Surname matches the authoritative or issuing source |
SURNAME_FUZZY_COMPARE | Surname fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source |
TITLE_COMPARE | Title of the name matches the authoritative or issuing source |
USAGENAME_COMPARE | Usage name or marital name matches the authoritative or issuing source |
VETERAN_COMPARE | Veteran status matches the authoritative or issuing source |
WEIGHT_COMPARE | Weight matches the authoritative or issuing source |
Address verification indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
ADDRESS_CONSISTENCY_CHECK | Claimed Addresses matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ADDRESS_INCONSISTENCY | City and state is consistent with the postcode |
ADDRESS_MOVED | Identity is not recorded as moved to a new address |
ADDRESS_PERSONAL_BOX | Address is not a post office (PO) box address |
ADDRESS_VALIDITY | Address is valid |
Adjudication indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
COMPUTER_SCREEN_PHOTO | Image is not a photo of a screen displaying an identity document |
DOCUMENT_ADJUDICATION | Is visually affirmed by a trained operator |
DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_DIFFERENT_FROM_REFERENCE | Corresponds to a reference template during adjudication |
INCONSISTENT_FONT_SIZE_OR_TYPE | Is consistent in font size and typeface with the document model |
OTHER_SUSPECTED_FRAUD | Shows no other fraud attempts during adjudication |
PAPER_COPY | Image is not a paper copy of an identity document |
PORTRAIT_SUBSTITUTION | Portrait is not substituted by another |
VIDEO_ADJUDICATION | Document video check by a trained operator |
ICAO contactless documents verification (NFC) indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
ACTIVE_AUTHENTICATION_CHECK | Passed Active Authentication (AA) |
BASIC_ACCESS_CONTROL_CHECK | Passed Basic Access Control (BAC) |
CHIP_AUTHENTICATION_CHECK | Passed Chip Authentication (CA) |
PASOD_SIGNATURE_CHECK | Digital signature of the Security Data Object (SOD) confirmed using the Document Signer Certificate included in the ID document |
PASSIVE_AUTHENTICATION_CHECK | Passed Passive Authentication (PA) |
PASSIVE_AUTHENTICATION_DOCUMENT_SIGNER_CHECK | Document Signer Certificate included in the ID document is issued by a trusted Country Signing Certificate Authority (CSCA) |
PASSIVE_AUTHENTICATION_HASH_CHECK | Hash of the files read correspond to the hash of the files written during issuance |
PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATED_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CHECK | Passed Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) |
TERMINAL_AUTHENTICATION_CHECK | Passed Terminal Authentication (TA) |
Identity Claim verification indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
ACCOUNT_ACTIVE | Checks that the user account is active |
ACCOUNT_IS_DISCONNECTED | Checks if the account has not been disconnected |
ACCOUNT_IS_PRIMARY | Checks that the number is the primary account? |
ACCOUNT_PERSONAL | Phone number is not a personal line |
ACCOUNT_PORT_RECENCY | Checks if connection of the ownership or association to this phone number is recent |
ACCOUNT_RECENCY | Checks if connection of the ownership or association to this phone number is recent |
ACCOUNT_TENURE | Checks how long the identity has been associated to a phone number |
ACCOUNT_TYPE | Phone number is not a mobile line type |
ADDRESS_FUZZY_COMPARE | Address fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ATTRIBUTES_SSN_COMPARE | SSN matches the authoritative or issuing source |
ATTRIBUTES_SSN_MULTIPLE | SSN is not associated with multiple names |
ATTRIBUTES_SWITCH_FIRST_LAST | First name and last name are not inverted |
ATTRIBUTES_VALIDITY | Identity attributes are verified by an authoritative source |
BIRTH_DATE_FORMAT_VALID | Birth date format is valid |
CLAIM_VERIFICATION | Claimed Identity matches the authoritative or issuing source |
CREDIT_CARD_CLOSED_CHECK | Is a credit card and the account is not closed |
CREDIT_CARD_COMPARE | Is a credit card and its data matches data from the credit card issuer |
CREDIT_CARD_LOST_STOLEN_CHECK | Is a credit card and is not reported as lost or stolen |
EMAILADRRESS_COMPARE | Email address matches the authoritative or issuing source |
FULLNAME_FUZZY_COMPARE | Fullname fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source |
HOLDER_AGE | Age complies with the configured age limit |
IDENTITY_COMPARE | Checks that the identity of the user matches the line's subscriber |
IDENTITY_FOUND | Checks if user's identity is present in the list of subscribers |
LINETYPE_CHECK | Phone Number is associated with a high-risk linetype |
NAME_CONSISTENCY_CHECK | Names are consistent with names associated to the claimed identity |
REUSED_MSISDN_CHECK | The number of identities associated to the phone number has exceeded the suggested limit |
USER_DECEASED_CHECK | Identity is not in a death register |
USER_SUSPENDED | Checks if the user account is not suspended |
OpenID Connect (OIDC) indicators
Indicator Name | Description |
OIDC_AUTHENTICATION | Passed OIDC authentication |