
Indicators help the relying service understand what checks have been performed on an identity evidence and why an identity evidence has been assigned a status and a score, such as when a fraud is detected or a document has expired.

Each indicator is associated with a status.

UNVERIFIEDThe control has not been performed
OKThe control is successful
WARNINGThe control is performed and there may be a problem with this evidence
FAILEDThe evidence failed to pass the control

Indicators are processed by the service to score the evidence and detect frauds.

Indicators that cause the evidence to fail (blocking indicators) appear in the REST API responses provided to the relying service back end. All indicators are available in the proof file at the end of the proofing session.

Document indicators 

Indicator Name
ABNORMAL_DOCUMENT_FEATURES_CHECKContains some abnormal features, such as overlapping text, washed out background
BLUR_IMAGE_QUALITYImage is not blurred
BLUR_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACKImage of the back is sharp
BLUR_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONTImage of the front is sharp
CAPTURE_TAMPERINGImage has not been tampered with
CAPTURE_TOO_CLOSE_CHECKWas too close to camera when captured
CAPTURE_TOO_FAR_CHECKWas too far from camera when captured
CB2D_FIELDS_SYNTAXHas correct 2D barcode syntax
CB2D_SIGNATUREHas correct 2D barcode signature
COMPROMISED_DOCUMENT_CHECKIs not known as a compromised document
CORNER_REMOVED_CHECKHas intentionally cut corners; encountered for some documents that are no longer valid
COVERED_IMAGE_CHECKIs not covered by an object, such as a sticker
CUT_OFF_DOCUMENT_CHECKHas no parts missing in the image
DAMAGED_DOCUMENT_CHECKIs not damaged such that it is not usable
DARK_IMAGE_QUALITYImage is not too dark
DATA_GROUP1_CHECKData group 1 (DG1) fields are compliant
DL_AGE_AT_CERTUser age is consistent with certificate date (for driving licenses)
DL_ISSUE_AFTER_CERTIssue date is consistent with certification date (for driving licenses)
DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_CHECKImage background contains no troublesome content
DOCUMENT_CLASSIFIERMRZ data format is consistent with the document model
DOCUMENT_CLASS_COMPAREDocument class does not correspond to issuer’s record
DOCUMENT_LOST_STOLEN_CHECKIs not reported as lost or stolen
DOCUMENT_NUMBER_VALIDITYDocument number is valid
DOCUMENT_RECENCYReference is recognized by the issuer
DOCUMENT_VELOCITY_CHECKThe document is found in the velocity check whitelist
DOC_CAPTURE_ORIENTATIONImage is correctly oriented (horizontal vs. vertical)
DOC_EXPIRATION_DATEExpiration date is valid
DOC_ISSUING_COUNTRYCountry classification is from the expected country
DOC_LASER_PERFORATION_CHECKLaser perforation feature is present
DOC_NATIONALITYHolder's nationality is valid
DOC_SPECIMENIs not a specimen
DOC_TYPEDocument Type claims by the user corresponds to the document.
ESFESF was successfully detected and authenticated on the document
ESFXEnhanced Security Features are consistent with the barcode data
EXPIRATION_DATE_CONSISTENCYExpiration date is valid, in the expected format, and occurs after the issue and birth dates
FONTS_CHECKIndicates whether the fonts used to print machine readable zone matches the standardized OCRB format
GENDER_VALIDITYGender is valid
GLARE_IMAGE_QUALITYImage has no glare
GLARE_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACKBack image has no glare
GLARE_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONTFront image has no glare
GOV_DATA_FORMATFormat complies with the issuer verification data requirements
HIGH_TEMPLATEImage matches the template at high resolution
IDQRID-QR code is successfully decoded on the document
IDQRXID-QR code details are consistent with the barcode or mrz data
IMAGE_BACK_DPI_CHECKBack image is of adequate resolution
IMAGE_FRONT_DPI_CHECKFront image is of adequate resolution
IMAGE_WITHOUT_DOCUMENT_CHECKImage contains a document
ISSUANCE_DATE_VALIDITYIssuance date returned from the barcode, MRZ, or OCR is valid according to jurisdiction specific rules.
ISSUING_DATE_VALIDITYIssue date is valid and in the expected format
KEYSTONE_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACKBack image is not skewed
KEYSTONE_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONTFront image is not skewed
KNOWN_FRAUDULENT_DOCUMENT_CHECKIs a known fraudulent document
LCD_DETECTIONImage is not of an LCD screen
LINECODELinecode was successfully detected and authenticated on the document (applicable to US driving license only)
LINECODEXLinecode matches the information on the document.
LOW_IMAGE_QUALITY_BACKBack image quality is adequate
LOW_IMAGE_QUALITY_FRONTFront image quality is adequate
LOW_TEMPLATEImage matches the template at low resolution
MODEL_COLOR_MATCHINGImage is in color (not in black and white)
MODEL_CONSISTENCY_CHECKData represented in multiple places are consistent
MODEL_EXPIRATION_DATEModel is not expired
MODEL_RECOGNIZEDType, based on MRZ and/or on document template, is identified
MODEL_VALID_OUT_OF_COUNTRYIs valid outside of its issuing country
MRZ_ALIGNEMENTMRZ graphical format is valid
MRZ_BARCODE_CROSSCHECKMRZ information matches the information in the barcode
MRZ_CHECKSUMSMRZ checksum is correct
MRZ_FIELDS_SYNTAXMRZ fields are compliant
NO_MULTIPLE_DOCUMENT_CHECKImage contains only one document
OBSCURED_DATA_CHECKData is not obscured
OBSCURED_SECURITY_FEATURES_CHECKSecurity features are not obscured
OCRXData recognized optically in the VIZ is consistent with barcode or MRZ data
OCR_BIRTHDATEBirth date is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_DOCNUMDocument number is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_DOC_NATIONALITYNationality is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_EXPIRATION_DATEExpiration date is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_FIRSTNAMESGiven name is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_FULLNAMEFull name is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_ISSUING_COUNTRYIssuing country is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_ISSUING_DATEIssue date is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_LASTNAMELast name is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_PERSONAL_NUMBERPersonal number is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_SEXGender is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OCR_SURNAMESurname is consistent between the VIZ and MRZ
OTHER_QUALITY_CHECKHas no other quality issues
OTHER_SUSPICIOUS_ELEMENTNot rejected as suspicious by adjudication
PERSONAL_NUMBER_CHECKSUMSPersonal number checksum is correct
PHOTOCOPY_DETECTIONWas not photocopied
PHOTO_LOCATIONPortrait is present and correctly located
PORTRAITPortrait is not obfuscated
PUNCTURED_DOCUMENT_CHECKIs not intentionally punctured; encountered for some documents that are no longer valid
REQUIRED_SIDES_CHECKCheck if the minimum expected document sides have been provided
REVOKED_PRIVILEGE_CHECKIs a driving license and driving privileges are not revoked
SCREENSHOT_DETECTIONIs not a screenshot.
SIDES_DATA_CONSISTENCYData is consistent between the 2 sides
SIDES_MODEL_CONSISTENCYModel is consistent between the 2 sides
SUSPENDED_PRIVILEGE_CHECKIs a driving license and driving privileges are not suspended
TEXTURE_ANALYSISPassed texture analysis
UNKNOWN_CONTROLPassed an undocumented control
VISUAL_SECURITYHas expected visual security features

Biometric indicators 

Indicator Name
BIOMETRIC_HYPER_MATCHINGScores too high on biometric matching
BIOMETRIC_LIVENESS_ASSERTIONBiometric liveness assertion is verified
BIOMETRIC_LIVENESS_CHALLENGEPortrait passes biometric liveness challenge
BIOMETRIC_MATCHING_CHECKPortrait matches the biometric comparison
BIOMETRIC_QUALITY_CHECKPortrait quality is adequate for biometric verification

Government identity verification indicators 

Indicator Name
ADDRESS_CITY_COMPAREAddress city matches the authoritative or issuing source
ADDRESS_COUNTRY_COMPAREAddress country matches the authoritative or issuing source
ADDRESS_DISTRICT_COMPAREAddress district matches the authoritative or issuing source
ADDRESS_HOUSE_NUMBER_COMPAREAddress house number matches the authoritative or issuing source
ADDRESS_POSTCODE_COMPAREPostcode matches the authoritative or issuing source
ADDRESS_STATE_COMPAREAddress state matches the authoritative or issuing source
ADDRESS_STREET_COMPAREAddress street lines matches the authoritative or issuing source
AGE_COMPAREAge matches the authoritative or issuing source
AUTHORITY_COMPAREIssuing authority matches the authoritative or issuing source
BIRTHDATE_COMPAREBirth date matches the authoritative or issuing source
BLOOD_GROUP_COMPAREBlood group matches the authoritative or issuing source
DOCUMENT_TYPE_COMPARECompares document type against authoritative or issuing Source
DOC_ACTIVEIs considered active by the authoritative or issuing source
DONOR_COMPAREDonor status matches the authoritative or issuing source
EXPIRYDATE_COMPAREExpiration date matches the authoritative or issuing source
EYECOLOR_COMPAREEye color matches the authoritative or issuing source
FIRSTNAME_COMPAREFirst name matches the authoritative or issuing source
FIRSTNAME_FUZZY_COMPAREFirst name fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source
FULLADDRESS_COMPAREFull address matches the authoritative or issuing source
FULLNAME_COMPAREFull name matches the authoritative or issuing source
GENDER_COMPAREGender matches the authoritative or issuing source
GIVENNAME_COMPAREGiven name matches the authoritative or issuing source
GIV_AVAILABILITYVerification service is available from the authoritative or issuing source
GIV_ELIGIBILITYData format complies with the authoritative or issuing source
GIV_IDENTITY_FOUNDIdentity found in the authoritative or issuing source
GIV_VERIFICATIONData validates to the authoritative or issuing source
HAIR_COLOR_COMPAREHair color matches the authoritative or issuing source
HEIGHT_COMPAREHeight matches the authoritative or issuing source
IDDOCUMENT_NUMBER_COMPAREDocument number matches the authoritative or issuing source
ISSUINGDATE_COMPAREIssue date matches the authoritative or issuing source
ISSUING_COUNTRY_COMPAREIssuing country matches the authoritative or issuing source
ISSUING_STATE_COMPAREIssuing state matches the authoritative or issuing source
MIDDLENAME_COMPAREMiddle name matches the authoritative or issuing source
MIDDLENAME_FUZZY_COMPAREMiddle name fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source
MIDDLENAME_INITIAL_COMPAREMiddle initial matches the authoritative or issuing source
MSISDN_COMPAREPhone number matches the authoritative or issuing source
NAMESUFFIX_COMPAREName suffix matches the authoritative or issuing source
PERSONAL_NUMBER_COMPAREPersonal number matches the authoritative or issuing source
POLLING_STATION_COMPAREPolling station matches the authoritative or issuing source
RELATIVE_FULLNAME_COMPARERelative name matches the authoritative or issuing source
RELATIVE_TYPE_COMPARERelative type matches the authoritative or issuing source
RESTRICTIONS_COMPAREPrivileges (associated to the document, mainly driving privileges) match the authoritative or issuing source
SURNAME_COMPARESurname matches the authoritative or issuing source
SURNAME_FUZZY_COMPARESurname fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source
TITLE_COMPARETitle of the name matches the authoritative or issuing source
USAGENAME_COMPAREUsage name or marital name matches the authoritative or issuing source
VETERAN_COMPAREVeteran status matches the authoritative or issuing source
WEIGHT_COMPAREWeight matches the authoritative or issuing source

Address verification indicators 

Indicator Name
ADDRESS_CONSISTENCY_CHECKClaimed Addresses matches the authoritative or issuing source
ADDRESS_INCONSISTENCYCity and state is consistent with the postcode
ADDRESS_MOVEDIdentity is not recorded as moved to a new address
ADDRESS_PERSONAL_BOXAddress is not a post office (PO) box address
ADDRESS_VALIDITYAddress is valid

Anti-fraud indicators 

Indicator Name
AML_CHECKIdentity is not in international sanctions watch lists
PEP_CHECKIdentity is not in Politically Exposed Persons watch list
RED_NOTICE_CHECKIdentity is not in the Interpol Red Notice watch list

Adjudication indicators 

Indicator Name
COMPUTER_SCREEN_PHOTOImage is not a photo of a screen displaying an identity document
DOCUMENT_ADJUDICATIONIs visually affirmed by a trained operator
DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_DIFFERENT_FROM_REFERENCECorresponds to a reference template during adjudication
INCONSISTENT_FONT_SIZE_OR_TYPEIs consistent in font size and typeface with the document model
OTHER_SUSPECTED_FRAUDShows no other fraud attempts during adjudication
PAPER_COPYImage is not a paper copy of an identity document
PORTRAIT_SUBSTITUTIONPortrait is not substituted by another
VIDEO_ADJUDICATIONDocument video check by a trained operator

ICAO contactless documents verification (NFC) indicators 

Indicator Name
ACTIVE_AUTHENTICATION_CHECKPassed Active Authentication (AA)
CHIP_AUTHENTICATION_CHECKPassed Chip Authentication (CA)
PASOD_SIGNATURE_CHECKDigital signature of the Security Data Object (SOD) confirmed using the Document Signer Certificate included in the ID document
PASSIVE_AUTHENTICATION_CHECKPassed Passive Authentication (PA)
PASSIVE_AUTHENTICATION_DOCUMENT_SIGNER_CHECKDocument Signer Certificate included in the ID document is issued by a trusted Country Signing Certificate Authority (CSCA)
PASSIVE_AUTHENTICATION_HASH_CHECKHash of the files read correspond to the hash of the files written during issuance
TERMINAL_AUTHENTICATION_CHECKPassed Terminal Authentication (TA)

Identity Claim verification indicators 

Indicator Name
ACCOUNT_ACTIVEChecks that the user account is active
ACCOUNT_IS_DISCONNECTEDChecks if the account has not been disconnected
ACCOUNT_IS_PRIMARYChecks that the number is the primary account?
ACCOUNT_PERSONALPhone number is not a personal line
ACCOUNT_PORT_RECENCYChecks if connection of the ownership or association to this phone number is recent
ACCOUNT_RECENCYChecks if connection of the ownership or association to this phone number is recent
ACCOUNT_TENUREChecks how long the identity has been associated to a phone number
ACCOUNT_TYPEPhone number is not a mobile line type
ADDRESS_FUZZY_COMPAREAddress fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source
ATTRIBUTES_SSN_COMPARESSN matches the authoritative or issuing source
ATTRIBUTES_SSN_MULTIPLESSN is not associated with multiple names
ATTRIBUTES_SWITCH_FIRST_LASTFirst name and last name are not inverted
ATTRIBUTES_VALIDITYIdentity attributes are verified by an authoritative source
BIRTH_DATE_FORMAT_VALIDBirth date format is valid
CLAIM_VERIFICATIONClaimed Identity matches the authoritative or issuing source
CREDIT_CARD_CLOSED_CHECKIs a credit card and the account is not closed
CREDIT_CARD_COMPAREIs a credit card and its data matches data from the credit card issuer
CREDIT_CARD_LOST_STOLEN_CHECKIs a credit card and is not reported as lost or stolen
EMAILADRRESS_COMPAREEmail address matches the authoritative or issuing source
FULLNAME_FUZZY_COMPAREFullname fuzzy matches the authoritative or issuing source
HOLDER_AGEAge complies with the configured age limit
IDENTITY_COMPAREChecks that the identity of the user matches the line's subscriber
IDENTITY_FOUNDChecks if user's identity is present in the list of subscribers
LINETYPE_CHECKPhone Number is associated with a high-risk linetype
NAME_CONSISTENCY_CHECKNames are consistent with names associated to the claimed identity
REUSED_MSISDN_CHECKThe number of identities associated to the phone number has exceeded the suggested limit
USER_DECEASED_CHECKIdentity is not in a death register
USER_SUSPENDEDChecks if the user account is not suspended

OpenID Connect (OIDC) indicators 

Indicator Name