SDK for iOS 


The IDEMIA Verify SDK for iOS provides customers with the resources to customize the SDK to their preferred user-experience and integrate it within an existing mobile application. The IDEMIA Mobile ID Verify App works in conjunction with the IDEMIA Mobile ID App allowing verifiers to authenticate the user's physical ID or digital credential (i.e., drivers license or identity card).

You can use the iOS SDK to:

  • **Create and design your preferred user-experience and UI while leveraging the IDEMIA Verify functionalities **

    You can build a custom mobile application that implements your user-experience design and leverages all of the SDK functionalities allowing you to apply your branding and preferred user flow. Maintain complete control over the display and functionality of the application.

  • **Embed IDEMIA Verify into an existing application **

    You can automatically integrate an existing mobile application with IDEMIA by adding the SDK frameworks, which removes the need to use and maintain an additional application to leverage the Mobile ID's functionalities.

Get started 

Skills required 

The integration tasks require developers to have knowledge of:

  • iOS frameworks built in Xcode 12.0 or higher
  • Swift 5.0 or higher
  • macOS 10.14 or higher

Resources required 

The tools required for integration on macOS are:

  • Xcode 12.0 or above
  • iOS SDK tools: release 11 or above (preferably latest version)
  • Physical iOS device (simulator is not supported)

Other requirements

External Libraries

  • SwCrypt: pod 'SwCrypt', '~> 5.1.3'
  • SwiftCBOR: pod 'SwiftCBOR', '~> 0.4.3'
  • DLParser: pod 'DLParser', '~> 3.0'

Optical Inspection Requirements

  • pod 'BiometricSDK-face/Framework', '~> 4.23.1'
  • pod 'BiometricSDK-face/Plugins/FaceCaptureNormal', '~> 4.23.1'
  • pod 'BiometricSDK-face/Algorithms/F5_4_LOW75', '~> 4.23.1'
  • pod 'IDZSwiftCommonCrypto', '~> 0.13.0',
    => true
  • pod 'SwiftBytes', '~> 0.6.0'
  • pod "OpenSSL-Universal", '~> 1.1.180*'

User permission 

When designing your app,consider that your iOS app must handle user permissions to protect the resources on the target mobile device. Specifically, you must verify that the app permissions are granted by the user. If the required permissions are not granted, the SDK will throw an exception or error and may even crash.

The following user permission are required:

  • Camera permission for the QR code scan
  • Bluetooth permission for the BLE data transfer

The required permissions in the app info.plist file are:

  • Privacy: Bluetooth Always Usage Description
  • Privacy: Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description
  • Privacy: Camera Usage Description

Create your own app 

If you already have access for Mi-Artifactory, download the sample app:

To create your own app, you must add the following SDK libraries to your project. You can add these libraries manually as shown in Option A, or through CocoaPods as shown in Option B.

Add SDK libraries 

The Podfile specifies the dependencies of each user target, and the SDK pods are used to declare a specific dependency. The target scopes the pod dependencies to specific targets in your Xcode project.

Required pods

  • pod 'DLParser', '~> 3.0'
  • pod 'SwCrypt', '~> 5.1.3'
  • pod 'SwiftCBOR', '~> 0.4.3'
  • pod 'PPpdf417', '~> 7.2.0'

Requirements for optical inspection only

  • pod 'BiometricSDK-face/Framework', '~> 4.23.1'
  • pod 'BiometricSDK-face/Plugins/FaceCaptureNormal', '~> 4.23.1'
  • pod 'BiometricSDK-face/Algorithms/F5_4_LOW75', '~> 4.23.1'
  • pod 'IDZSwiftCommonCrypto', '~> 0.13.0',
    => true
  • pod 'SwiftBytes', '~> 0.6.0'
  • pod 'OpenSSL-Universal', '~> 1.1.180'

Note: You only need to add the SDK libraries for Optical Inspection if you plan to use the Optical Inspection feature.

Option A: Import SDK manually

The manual method allows you to import the SDK files using Verify.framework using the steps below:

  1. Add the Verify.framework file to your project by pasting this file in project folder at path: /verify-ios-tester-app/src/xcode/VerifyTesterApp/VerifyTesterApp/Frameworks/Verify.framework.
  2. Download the Verify.framework and TesterApp from the mi-artifactory:
  3. Link Verify.framework to your project by dragging and dropping it on Project Settings (General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content).

Option B: Import SDK through CocoaPods

Alternatively, the CocoaPods method allows you import the SDK files using CocoaPods (along with cocoapods-artplugin) using these steps.

  1. If you don't already have CocoaPods with the Artifactory tool, install it by running the following command as shown in the snippet:

    1gem install cocoapods-art
  2. The plugin uses authentication that is specified in a standard .netrc file, as shown in the snippet:

    2login ##USERNAME##
    3password ##PASSWORD##
  3. Once set, add our repository to your CocoaPod's dependency management system as shown in the snippet:

    1pod repo-art add verify-sdk-ios-release ""
  4. At the top of your project Podfile add the lines shown in the snippet:

    1plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => [
    2 'verify-sdk-ios-release', # so it could resolve dependencies for Verify
    3 'master', # so it could resolve dependencies from master repo (the
    4main one)
    5 'smartsdk' # so it could resolve BiometricSDK depdendency
  5. Add the Verify SDK in your Podfile in one of its pod's version, as shown in the snippet:

    1pod 'Verify', '~>' # Verify SDK
  6. Now install as shown in the snippet:

    1pod install

    NOTE: If you are already using our repository, and you cannot resolve some dependency, try to update the specs:

    1pod repo-art update verify-sdk-ios-release

Obtain an LKMS license 

You can skip this step if you do not intend to use the Optical Inspection feature in the Verify App.

  1. Contact the IDEMIA support team to get an LKMS license for your app.

  2. Scan the QR or PDF417 codes as shown in the snippet:

    2 * Response callback for parse engagement QR code data or PDF417 raw data from physical or **Mobile ID** credential holder
    3 */
    4 //MARK: parsed QRCode
    5 func parsedDataForQRCode(trimmedQRCode: String){
    6 .default).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.2) {
    7 let config = self.formAndReturnAppConfigsParamForAPI(qrString: trimmedQRCode)
    8 sharedVSDKClient?.initDeviceEngagement(apiConfig: config, responseCallback: self)
    10 }
    11 }
    13 //MARK: parsed 2DBarCode
    14 func parsedDataFor2DBarCode(trimmedQRCode: String){
    15 .default).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.2) {
    16 let config = self.formAndReturnAppConfigsParamForAPI(qrString: trimmedQRCode)
    17 sharedVSDKClient?.parsePDF417(apiConfig: config, responseCallback: self)
    18 }
    19 }
    21 // Returns ApiConfigs with all the parameters
    22 func formAndReturnAppConfigsParamForAPI(qrString qr: String?) -> ApiConfigs? {
    23 guard let tempQRString = qr else {
    24 return nil
    25 }
    26 // Build app configs
    27 let apiConfigs = ApiConfigs.ConfigBuilder()
    28 .withData(inputData:tempQRString)
    29 .setAgeOverNN(age: pickedAge)
    30 .build()
    31 return apiConfigs
    32 }
  3. After scanning the QR or 2D barcode successfully, you will get the result response in onSuccess as shown in the snippet:

    1func onSuccess(response: Any?){
    2 }
    3 func onError(error: VerifyError){
    5 }
  4. Send a request to the Mobile ID App to get the license details as shown in the snippet.:

    1// Set 'appConfig' as follows if you want to use all attributes as optional parameters
    2var dataItems = getMandatoryParams()
    3dataItems.append(contentsOf: getOptionalParams())
    5let apiConfigs = AppConfigs.MIDRequestBuilder()
    6            .addParam(listParams: dataItems)
    7            .build()
  5. Use the sendRequest() method to return the response from the user's Mobile ID credential as shown in the snippet:

    Language not specified
    1//Send the request by using `appConfig` which you set earlier
    2sharedVSDKClient?.sendRequest(apiConfig: apiConfigs, responseCallback: self)
  6. If the sendRequest() method is received successfully, then all the attributes of the Mobile ID App response will appear in the view controller as shown in the snippet:

    1// send request using new namespace and paramList support
    3func sendrequest(){
    5 var aamvaParamsList = [MIDRequestParam]()
    6 var namespaceParamList = [String: [MIDRequestParam]]()
    7 var isoParamsList = [MIDRequestParam]()
    8 isoParamsList.append(MIDRequestParam(paramName: MIDParamConstants.GIVEN_NAME))
    9 isoParamsList.append(MIDRequestParam(paramName: MIDParamConstants.FAMILY_NAME))
    10 isoParamsList.append(MIDRequestParam(paramName: MIDParamConstants.RESIDENT_ADDRESS))
    11 isoParamsList.append(MIDRequestParam(paramName: MIDParamConstants.RESIDENT_CITY))
    12 isoParamsList.append(MIDRequestParam(paramName: MIDParamConstants.RESIDENT_CITY))
    14 namespaceParamList[MIDParamConstants.DOCTYPE_ORG_AAMVA_US] = aamvaParamsList
    15 namespaceParamList[MIDParamConstants.NAMESPACE_18013_5 ] = isoParamsList
    17 let apiConfigs = ApiConfigs.MIDRequestBuilder()
    18 .version(version: MIDParamConstants.REQUEST_VERSION)
    19 .addDocType(docType: "my.cusom.docType.custom1") //example docType1
    21 //1. add
    22 .addParams(namespaceParamList)
    23 // add again to test if duplicates are removed
    24 .addParams(MIDParamConstants.NAMESPACE_18013_5,isoParamsList)
    25 //2. add more params one by one with custom namespce
    26 .addParam(MIDParamConstants.NAMESPACE_18013_5,MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param1"))
    27 .addParam("my.custom.namespace",MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param1"))
    29 .addParam("my.custom.namespace",MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param2"))
    30 .addParam("my.custom.namespace",MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param3"))
    31 //duplicates will be removed
    32 .addParam("my.custom.namespace",MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param1"))
    33 .addParam("my.custom.namespace",MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param3"))
    34 //3. or add a custom namespace like this
    35 .addParams("my.custom.namespace2", [
    36 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm21"),
    37 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm22"),
    38 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm23"),
    39 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm21") ]//duplicate
    40 )
    42 .buildDoc() //build doctype1
    43 .addDocType(docType: "my.cusom.docType.custom2") //example docType2
    44 .addParams("my.custom.namespace2", [
    45 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm21"),
    46 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm22"),
    47 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm23"),
    48 MIDRequestParam(paramName: "custom_param_nm21") ]//duplicate
    49 )
    50 .buildDoc() //build doctype2
    52 .build()
    54 //call sendRequest API
    55 sharedVSDKClient?.sendRequest(apiConfig: apiConfigs, responseCallback: self)
    56 // 3. Read request params supplied from app and make the request structure accordingly.
  7. Request the callback for the sendRequest SDK API to receive and display the response data from the Mobile ID App as shown in the snippet:

    2 * Request callback for the `sendRequest` SDK API to receive and display the response data from the mDL.
    3 */
    5 func onSuccess(response: Any?){
    6 }
    7 func onError(error: VerifyError){
    8 }
    9 func onRequestCanceled(response: Any?){
    10 }
    11 func onProgress(totalBytesRecived: Int){
    12 }
    13 func onRequestSent(status: Bool?){
    14 }
    15 func currentBLEStatus(currentState: TransferState){
    16 }
  8. You can cancel the transaction at any time by calling the cancelRequest() method as shown in the snippet:

    1sharedVSDKClient?.cancelRequest(responseCallback: self,cancellationReason: .CANCELED_BY_USER)
  9. You can get the SDK version by calling it directly with the class name as shown in the snippet:

  10. Added new configuration setReaderAuthInfo for reader authentication; here is a sample code snippet:

1let apiConfigs = ApiConfigs.MIDRequestBuilder()
2 .version(version: MIDParamConstants.REQUEST_VERSION)
3 .addDocType(docType: "org.iso.18013.5.1.mDL")
4 .addParams(namespaceParamList)
5 .buildDoc()
6 .setReaderAuthInfo(readerAuthSignerCallback: self.callbackReceiverVC, signingAlgo: .ALGO_SHA256WITHECDSA)
7 .withData(inputData: MOCK_QR_CODE_DATA_N1938)
8 .build()
  1. Added new protocol ReaderAuthSignerCallback for reader authentication callback; here is a sample code snippet of implementation:
1extension ViewController: ReaderAuthSignerCallback {
2 func doSignItemRequest(readerAuthenticationBytes: Data, docType: String) -> ReaderAuthSign? {
3 //Generating Public Private KeyPair
4 let keyPairDict = try? ECUtils.generateKeyPair()
5 let privateKey = keyPairDict?["private"]
7 //Generating Signature
8 let signedDataSignature = (try? EncyptionDecryption.createSignature(privateKey: privateKey, dataToSign: readerAuthenticationBytes, algorithm: .ecdsaSignatureDigestX962SHA256)) ?? Data()
10 //returning Signature and Certificate
11 return ReaderAuthSign(signature: signedDataSignature, x509Certificate: x509CertSample.bytes.getData())
12 }
  1. Call loadCertificates() API to load IACA certificates from given path. This step is necessary for a successful transaction since Verify SDK will validate the mDL response against the certificates from supplied path.
1sharedVSDKClient?.loadCertificates(path: "CERTIFICATEDIRECTORY_NAME", responseCallback: self())
3 func onSuccess(response: Any?){
4 print("Certificate load success \(response)")
5 }
7 func onError(error: Any?){
8 print(error)
9 }

Test and production apps 

The Verify SDK allows you to create a test app with the steps below. You can also use these steps to create your production application by changing the target definition in your Podfile to your Xcode production project.

  1. Open your terminal and type the command "cd project_path" (the path to the project file where .xcodeproj file is located) and press .

  2. Type the command "pod init" and press .

  3. Go to the finder and open the pod file (in the same place where your .xcodeproj file is located).

  4. Type the following in podfile under your target. In our case, the target is VerifyIDTestApp; change it according to your target in podfile and add the snippet shown:

    Language not specified
    1target 'VerifyIDTestApp' do
    2 use_frameworks!
    3 pod 'Verify', '~>'
    5 target 'VerifyIDTestAppTests' do
    6 inherit! :search_paths
    7 # Pods for testing
    8 end
    10 target 'VerifyIDTestAppUITests' do
    11 # Pods for testing
    12 end
  5. Type the command “pod install” and then press .

  6. Open .xcworkspace (i.e., at the same place where your .xcodeproj file is located).

  7. Call IDVerifyTerminal.getClient and initialize the IDVerifyTerminal shared object in the AppDelegate.swift file as shown in the snippet:

    Language not specified
    1let config = Configs.Builder()
    2 .enableDebug(isDebuggable: isDebuggable)
    3 .setBioSDKLicense(bioSDKLicense: license) //Optional: required only if you're to use Optical Inspection
    4 .build()
    6 sharedVSDKClient = IDVerifyTerminal.getClient(configs: config)
  8. If you are using Optical Inspection, you must obtain an LKMS license first. Then add the following license snippet only if you are using Optical Inspection:

    1//Only for Optical Inspection
    2let license = BioSDKLicense(lkmsURL:serverEndpointUrl, lkmsProfileId: profileID, lkmsApiKey: apiKey)


    • The minimum threshold for the BioTemplate authentication score (Optical Inspection use case) is 3500 by default.
    • Internet connection is required for the first time transaction of Optical Inspection for attributes retrieval. The Mobile ID credential is downloaded from the server only once, and will not be downloaded again until it is either expired or the app is reinstalled and the data is cleared.
    • By default no logs shall be visible on the logcat from the SDK.
  9. Use enableDebug(true) for debugging purposes only if needed, and toggle it to false for production release as shown in the snippet:

    1let config = Configs.Builder()
    2 .enableDebug(isDebuggable: isDebuggable)
    3 .setBioSDKLicense(bioSDKLicense: license) //Optional: required only if you're to use Optical Inspection
    4 .build()
    6sharedVSDKClient = IDVerifyTerminal.getClient(configs: config)

Request parameters 

The following table provides a list of user attributes that can be called by the SDK.

Param Name
1ADMINISTRATIVE_NUMBERadministrative_numberMajor type 3
2GENDERgenderMajor type 3
3HEIGHTheightMajor type 0
4WEIGHTweightMajor type 0
5EYE_COLOReye_colorMajor type 3
6HAIR_COLORhair_colorMajor type
7BIRTH_PLACEbirthplaceMajor type 3
8RESIDENT_ADDRESSresident_addressMajor type 3
9PORTRAIT_CAPTURE_DATEportrait_capture_dateTag value 0 of major type 6
10AGE_IN_YEARSage_in_yearsMajor type 0
11AGE_BIRTH_YEARage_birth_yearMajor type 0
12AGE_OVER_NNage_over_NNValue 20/21 of major type 7
13ISSUING_JURISDICTIONissuing_jurisdictionMajor Type 3
14NATIONALITYnationalityMajor type 3
15RESIDENT_CITYresident_cityMajor type 3
16RESIDENT_STATEresident_stateMajor type 3
17RESIDENT_POSTAL_CODEresident_postal_codeMajor type 3
18BIOMETRIC_TEMPLATE_XXbiometric_template_xxMajor type 2
19NAME_NAT_CHARname_nat_charMajor type 3
20MGMT_NEXT_UPDATEmgmt_nextupdateTag value 0 of major type 6
21FAMILY_NAMEfamily_nameMajor type 3
22GIVEN_NAMEgiven_nameTag value 0 of major type 6
23BIRTHDATEbirthdateTag value 0 of major type 6
24ISSUE_DATEissue_dateTag value 0 of major type 6
25EXPIRY_DATEexpiry_dateMajor type 3
26ISSUING_COUNTRYissuing_countryMajor type 3
27ISSUING_AUTHORITYissuing_authorityMajor type 3
28DOCUMENT_NUMBERdocument_numberMajor type 3
29PORTRAITportraitMajor type 2
30MGMT_LAST_UPDATEmgmt_lastupdateTag value 0 of major type 6
31MGMT_VALIDITYmgmt_validityTag value 0 of major type 6
32ONLINE_TOKEN_XXXXonline_token_xxxxMajor type 3
34DRIVING_PRIVILEGESdriving_privilegesMajor type 4
35REAL_IDRealIDMajor type 3 //org.aamva namespace
36SIGNATURE_USUAL_MARKsignature_usual_markMajor type 3
37ONLINE_URL_XXXXonline_url_xxxxMajor type 3
38BIRTHDATEbirth_dateMajor type 3
39BIRTH_PLACEbirth_placeMajor type 3
40NAME_NAT_CHARname_national_characterMajor type 3
41FAMILY_NAME_NAT_CHARfamily_name_national_characterMajor type 3
42GIVEN_NAME_NAT_CHARgiven_name_national_characterMajor type 3
43EYE_COLOUReye_colourMajor type 3
44HAIR_COLOURhair_colourMajor type 3
45NAME_NAT_CHARname_national_characterMajor type 3
46DHS_COMPLIANCEDHS_complianceMajor type 3 //org.iso.18013.5.1.US
47DOMESTIC_DRIVING_PRIVILEGESdomestic_driving_privilegesMajor type 3 //org.iso.18013.5.1.US

Expected results 

QR code 

The following table provides a list of user attributes captured in the QR code that can be called by the SDK.

Data Fields
Data type/Unit
Sample Value
resident_addressText/String"123, ABC Street"

PDF417 scan 

The following table provides a list of user attributes captured in the PDF417 scan that can be called by the SDK.

Data Fields
Data type/Unit
Sample Value
resident_addressText/String"123, ABC Street"

Optical inspection 

Data Fields
Data type/Unit
Sample Value

Additions and updates 

isIssuingCountryMatchWithDS : check issuing_country matches with countryName element in the subject field within the DS certificate isIssuingJurisdictionMatchWithDS : check issuing_jurisdiction matches with stateOrProvinceName element in the subject field within the DS certificate


  • IDEMIA has many IACA certificates added to our SDK, so we must categorize these certificates, such as Production, Demo, UAT, in our SDK. This allows the Verify App integrator to know which certificate matches pertain to which environment at any time during a transaction.
  • A certificate validation match is performed with the Mobile ID credential, and a certification tag is created for every certificate. This flag is used used in the Verify SDK to distinguish between different purposes of the certifications, leading to indicators in the Verify App results screen that some Mobile IDs credentials are “Not for Official Use”. If a certificate is not in production, then it is not meant for official use.
  • A popup/updated UI on the Verify App displays whether the Mobile ID credential is applicable for official use or not, based on the matched IACA certificate. Currently, for integrators this provides additional information for IACA certificate matching.
  • The classification of these SDK certificates is shown in this link:

Error codes 

This table contains the list of data error codes, messages, descriptions, and actions required.

Error Code
Error Code Message
Action Required
101Invalid QR CodePlease try again.Try Again.
102QR Data item is missing or found any issueIf item type is not as expected.Try Again.
103QR Data item is missing or found any issueIf DataItem(Map) is empty.Try Again.
104QR Data item is missing or found any issueIf DataItem(Array) is empty.Try Again.
105QR code scan errorUnable to Scan QR code may be because of invalid data or bad encoding.Try Again.
106Error PDF417 decoderError in generating PDF417 barcode.Try Again.
121License Validation for Optical Inspection FailedPlease try again with the correct credentials/ stable internet connection.Try Again.
122License expiredPlease contact support to renew the licenseTry Again.
123Parsing ErrorError in compact mode qr code parsing and verificationTry Again.
124Image Conversion ErrorError in convert image from bitmap to ImageTry Again.
201Unable to initialize BLEError in initializing BLE feature of thisThe Mobile ID reader is not able to get BLE. The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
202Device Doesn't Support BLEThis device doesn't support the BLE feature.The Mobile ID reader is not able to get BLE. The Mobile ID reader may abort the transaction.
203BLE Scanning ErrorScanning of the BLE devices failed.The Mobile ID reader is not able to scan the BLE devices. The Mobile ID reader may abort the transaction.
204Bluetooth is OFFThis device's Bluetooth is off.The Bluetooth of the device is not enabled. The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
205BLE Scanning ErrorPlease provide the BLUETOOTH permissions.
206BLE Connection TimeoutUnable to create BLE communication channel with the Mobile ID device.BLE connection failure. The Mobile ID reader may abort the transaction.
301Transaction CancelledThe transaction has been cancelled by the user.Unable to scan the QR code.
302Device DisconnectedUnfortunately device has disconnected. Maybe the device is not in the range of BLE.The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
303Timed Out, Please try againBLE connection failure. The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
304Request Incomplete.Please select one or more attributes to be included in the request to the Mobile ID credential.The Mobile ID credential reader may inspect the request, ensure request is complete, and resend. The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
305Incomplete RequestAn Mobile ID comes to an end of data when expecting more data. For example, an Mobile ID expects certain length, number of arrays elements, or map entries but instead encounters the end of the data. The Mobile ID does not return any data but the error message.The Mobile ID credential reader may inspect the request, ensure request is complete, and resend. The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
306Request RejectedThe Mobile ID App indicates that the request is rejected.The Mobile ID credential reader may inspect the problem. The Mobile ID credential reader may continue the transaction.
307Mobile ID Reader Authentication FailedThe Mobile ID indicates there is an error with Mobile ID Reader authenticationThe Mobile ID credential reader may inspect the problem. The Mobile ID credential reader may continue the transaction.
308General ErrorThe Mobile ID App returns an error without any given reason.The Mobile ID credential reader may inspect the request, ensure request is complete, and resend. The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
309Invalid RequestRequest can't contain more than 2 age_over_nn as request attributes.
310Error in Reader AuthenticationReaderAuthSign Signature or Certificate cannot be null or empty.
401Parsing ErrorA Mobile ID credential request encountered a data element that is not well-formed (e.g., invalid initial byte) and failed decoding data. The Mobile ID App does not return any data but the error message.The Mobile ID credential reader may inspect the request, ensure request is complete, and resend. The Mobile ID credential reader may abort the transaction.
402Invalid FormatThe Mobile ID App cannot process the requested data element due to a formatting error.
403Data Not FoundThe requested NameSpace or data element within a NameSpace is not found.
404Data Request DeniedThe release of requested data element was rejected by the Mobile ID credential holder.
405Data Not ReturnedThe Mobile ID App does not provide the requested data element without any given reason.
406CBOR decoding errorThe mdoc indicates an error during CBOR decoding that the data received is not valid CBOR.. Returning this status code is optional.
407CBOR validation errorThe mdoc indicates an error during CBOR validation, e.g. wrong CBOR structures. Returning this status code is optional.
451Certificate Path ErrorEither Path is invalid or inaccessible or not a folder path or folder is empty.

Test samples 

Optical inspection sample 

The following screen shows the optical inspection feature results.

PDF417 sample 

The following screen shows a PDF417 scan from the Mobile ID App or a physical driver's license.

QR + BLE sample 

The following screen shows a scan of QR code in the IDEMIA Mobile ID App.

Note: This is for device engagement QR code testing. The full QR code + BLE scenario will only work with a real device using the IDEMIA Mobile ID App.