How to integrate the App 


Identity Proofing Application (IPA) is an application that verifies the Identity of your Users.

It can be integrated in your own application in 2 possible ways :

  • Standard IPA, where at the end of the process you get a Verified Identity of your User to proceed further with their on-boarding process.

  • IPA for Microsoft ENTRA, where your User gets a Verifiable Credential with their Identity provisioned in their Microsoft Authenticator App, that they can share with you to finish their on-boarding process.

Standard IPA Integration 

Creation of an IPA Application 

First you must create an application in the Experience Portal. The configurator guides you through the necessary steps to adapt the application to your requirements.

Once the application is created, some identifiers and secrets are generated and made available through the Experience portal. These identifiers enable your application to establish connectivity with IPA.

1. Create the IPA App

Go to 'Access -> Identity Proofing App' page and click 'Create new app'.

2. IPA Configuration

  1. Choose application name.

  2. Select environment.

  3. Select a country and document types.

  4. Choose one of the possible face capture options:

    • none - no face verification

    • Passive Video Liveness - Simple selfie capture (recommended)

    • Active Liveness - face capture with active challenge ( face movements requested, recommended for high security applications only).

  5. Customize look & feel of your application.

  6. Confirm on summary screen.

3. Experience your IPA configuration

Once you have created your application, the following options are available to you :

  • Generate QR code - you can test your IPA configuration. Just scan the QR code with your smart phone's camera and experience the User's Journey by yourself. You can check the verification details of your tests in the “Transactions History” section of the Experience Portal

  • Display Endpoint details - get the necessary connectivity details to integrate your IPA configuration into your own Application

  • clientID

  • secretKey

  • Cognito URL

  • Delete/Edit configured application.

Integrating IPA in your Application 

Integration endpoint details provide the necessary identifiers to establish connectivity between your own backend application and IPA. They must not be embedded in the end-user Front End application.

Here is a flow diagram detailing each step of the process. It is divided in 5 Steps.

  1. Obtain an access token

  2. Create IPA Session

  3. User performs Identity Proofing Process

  4. Receive End of Process Notification

  5. Retrieve Verified Identity and redirect the user to the next step

IPA integration_diagram

Step 1: Obtain application access token

First, your back end application must obtain an access token to the IPA application using the Cognito URL, secretKey and clientID.

Example request
1curl -X POST --location '[COGNITO_URL]/oauth2/token' \
2 --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
3 --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
4 --data-urlencode 'client_id=[CLIENT_ID]' \
5 --data-urlencode 'client_secret=[SECRET_KEY]'
Request Variables
COGNITO_URLCognito URL value from Endpoint details screen
CLIENT_IDclientID value from Endpoint details screen
SECRET_KEYsecretKey value from Endpoint details screen
Example Response
2 "access_token":"[ACCESS_TOKEN]",
3 "expires_in":3600,
4 "token_type":"Bearer"
Response Variables
access_tokenAccess token value
expires_inDuration of your token in seconds (3600)
token_typeAccess token type, always Bearer

Step 2: Create session

Then, with the access token received from the previous step, create an IPA application session.

This is where you define the callback endpoint to which your backend service is going to receive end of process notification, and where the user will be redirected to, once the Identity Proofing session is over.

Once created, the session will expire automatically after 30 minutes.

Example request
1curl -X POST --location '' \
2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
3 --header 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
4 --data '{
5 "callbackUrl" : "[CALLBACK_URL]",
6 "gotoUrl" : "[GOTO_URL]"
7 }'
Request Variables
ACCESS_TOKENAccess token value from the previous request (Step 1)
CALLBACK_URLURL to the endpoint exposed by the integrator's backend to receive the notification when End User's IPA session is finished ( Step 4)
GOTO_URLURL where the End User will be redirected to at the end of the IPA session (Step 5)
Example Response
2 "sessionId":"[SESSION_ID]"
Response Variables
sessionIdIPA sessionId

Step 3: User performs the Identity Proofing Process with IPA

Once you have received the IPA sessionId from the previous step, craft the IPA session's URL and transmit it to your user, so they can start the IPA from their own device.

This URL can be transmitted in multiple ways, like in the form a QR code to scan, a text message, or an email.

This URL is composed of IPA URL and sessionId.

IPA End User Application URL

IPA End User Session URL example :[SESSION_ID]

SESSION_IDIPA "sessionId" value from the previous request (Step 2)

At the moment the End User clicks on the link that you transmitted in step 3, they start the Identity Proofing Process.

This process is conducted autonomously by the User until its completion.

Step 4: Receive End of Process Notification

When the User has completed the Identity Proofing Process, you receive an "end of process notification" to your backend's callback URL defined in step 2.

Your callback endpoint must be able to accept the following request :

Example request
1curl -X POST --location [CALLBACK_URL] \
2 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
3 --data '{
4 "applicationId": "[APPLICATION_ID]",
5 "identityId": "[IDENTITY_ID]",
6 "sessionId": "[SESSION_ID]",
7 "proofUrl": "[PROOF_URL]",
8 "timestamp": "2024-05-08T12:34:56.789Z"
9 }'
Request Variables
APPLICATION_IDID of the IPA application from Experience Portal (for troubleshooting purpose).
IDENTITY_IDID of the Identity in the ID&V platform
SESSION_IDIPA sessionId created during Step 2, to be used to correlate this request with the End User's session
PROOF_URLURL to the proofing platform to get the proof file. {gipsUrl}/v1/identities/{identityId}/proof
TIMESTAMPUTC Timestamp of the callback request creation time, e.g. 2024-05-08T12:34:56.789Z

It is expected that the Integrator's service returns an HTTP code 2XX with an empty response body to this request.

In case of unexpected HTTP response code received (different from 2XX), the IPA service will send up to 2 more attempts with a delay of 10 seconds.

Step 5: Retrieve Verified Identity and redirect the User to the next step

Retrieve User's verified Identity using the IdentityId or getProofURL received in the callback.

Use your ID&V REST API endpoint and GIPS-RS API key to do so.

Request Example
1curl -X GET --location [PROOF_URL]
2--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
3--header 'apikey: [GIPS-RS_API_KEY]
4--output proof.tar.gz
Request Variables
PROOF_URLLocation of the Identity proof file from step 4
GIPS-RS_API_KEYBackend to backend API key of your ID&V environment (GIPS-RS)

In response you receive an Identity Proof file containing the Verified Identity of the User as well as all submitted evidence and verification methods detailed results. For further details, refer to the 'Proof File specifications' and 'Identity Proofing API Documentation'.

In parallel, the User is redirected to the gotoURL defined in Step 2.

You can now proceed with the rest of your User's on-boarding Journey using the results of the Identity Proofing session.

Integrate using Microsoft VC ENTRA Application 

Azure configuration 

In order to get your Identity Proofing Application integrated with Microsoft ENTRA Verified ID, you must have a valid tenant on your Azure Cloud account.

We recommend you to follow the tutorial from Microsoft: Configure your tenant for Microsoft ENTRA Verified ID.

You have to create the resources described below:

  • Azure Active Directory. Subscription.

  • Azure Key Vault (under Resource Group or directly under Subscription).

  • App Registration (under Azure Active Directory).

  • Access Policy allowing to trigger VC presentation request (under App Registration).

  • Verified ID Service (under Azure Active Directory).

You need to get a unique set of OAuth2 “Client ID” and “Client secret” credentials from App Registration process which is used in "Client Credentials" flow to obtain an Access Token as explained on the following page: Request Service REST API.*

This access token allows to call VC presentation API: Configure Microsoft ENTRA Verified ID verifier.*

Moreover, your system needs have a valid domain registered that is verified by Azure Verified ID Service according to DID (Decentralized Identity) policy. Following descriptor files has to be exposed:

  • /.well-known/did.json

  • /.well-known/did-configuration.json

These descriptors are obtained from Verified ID Service.

After that setup, you have to select IDEMIA as provider of the trusted credentials which can be located using:

{region} domain ({region}.did-{stage} for lower stages):

ENTRA azure_configuration

Please note that if you want to authenticate end users across multiple regions, it is required to trust multiple credentials. This is related to Microsoft ENTRA Verified ID service design that controls PII processing according to AD setup location.

Microsoft provides the entire process including usage of the sample app in this tutorial: Configure Microsoft ENTRA Verified ID verifier.

Microsoft VC ENTRA Application flow diagram 

ENTRA integration_diagram

Creation of IPA for ENTRA application 

In order to use ENTRA, you must create an application in Experience Portal and obtain an integration endpoint details, which will be used to communicate with our servers. Those details are secret and should not be exposed by your Front End application.

1. Create the IPA App

Go to 'Access -> Microsoft VC ENTRA App' page and Click 'Create new app'.

2. Fill out the form

  1. Choose application name.

  2. Select environment.

  3. Select a country and document types.

  4. Choose one of the possible liveness options:

    • none - no face verification
    • Passive Video Liveness - Simple selfie capture (recommended)
    • Active Liveness - face capture with active challenge (face movements requested, recommended for high security applications only).
  5. Choose VC claims

    • Add optional deep-link prefix in case the Microsoft Authenticator SDK is embedded into your own native application.
  6. Customize look & feel of your application.

  7. Customize landing page and the Terms & Conditions.

  8. Confirm on summary screen.

3. Submit form

After form submission, an application will be created.

Afterward you can:

  • Generate test QR code - scan the QR code and test document verification yourself without any integration. (You can check the verification details on our “Transactions” page.)

  • Display endpoint details - it will allow you to integrate your own application/system with your newly created ENTRA application.

  • Delete/Edit configured application.

Integrate IPA for ENTRA in your application 

Integrating IPA for ENTRA is identical to the Standard IPA, except for Step 5 where your End User gets a Verifiable Credential provisioned in their Microsoft Authenticator App at the end of the process.

Verifying Issued Verifiable Credentials

You can now ask your End User to share their Verified Credential with you through a Presentation Request to Microsoft ENTRA. Ref :

Here are the information details related to the Issued VC to include in your presentation request :

JSON field
registration.clientName"Idemia DID"
authority (US platform)""
authority (EU platform)""